Library Staff Presentations

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    Reinventing the Library's Digital Footprint: Creating Interactive Learning Tools in Canvas
    (UHCL Libraries, 2024) Kennedy, Alexandria; Goode, Cindy
    In 2023, University of Houston-Clear Lake librarians created and embedded new information literacy resources in the campus Learning Management System. This included an interactive introduction to the library module which received 2,101 views in the first month of the Fall semester. Our efforts have allowed us to integrate and embed ourselves into the campus’ online learning environment, supplement class instruction with information literacy modules, and provide a more seamless accessible contact experience for our students.
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    Learn It Together and Learn It Well: Forming a Linked Data Study Group at University of Houston Libraries
    (UHCL Libraries, 2019) Liu, Xiping; Vandale, Susan; Hood, Martha; McDaniel, Marla
    Since September 2018, the cataloging librarians from the three branches of the University of Houston Libraries (UH Main, UH-Clear Lake, and UH Downtown) formed a study group with the goal of understanding the concepts of BIBFRAME and Linked Data, testing the BIBFRAME editor and exploring ways of converting MARC records to BIBFRAME. The group has come up with a self-paced study plan and met monthly online to discuss a list of self-prepared questions related to the learning materials. The poster will highlight the rationale behind forming the study group, the design of the study plan and discussion questions, and tools used to facilitate the monthly discussions. It will also report on the preliminary results of the study group: what has been achieved, what remains to be completed, and some future plans.
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    Adopting and Applying a New Assessment Framework for Instruction: A Case Study on Learning Criteria
    (UHCL Libraries, 2023) Espinosa, Juliana; Hood, Martha
    Data collection is only one part of the assessment cycle. Oftentimes, libraries collect data but then struggle with the analysis stage. Our academic library has taught a first-year experience instructional program for over five years where little data analysis was conducted to improve outcomes. As part of a pilot project to identify a new assessment framework, in Spring 2022, a team of librarians adopted ACRL Project Outcome, a free resource toolkit available to both public and academic libraries to guide their assessment. This poster will highlight how utilizing ACRL Project Outcome created an opportunity for cross-departmental collaboration to improve survey structure and standardization where results would lead the library to make more deliberate and confident data-informed decisions for student success. It will also report the initial results of a case study, what has been achieved, and what remains to be accomplished in the future. This poster is intended for academic and public librarians who are interested in learning about a new assessment tool in order to measure the impact of their outcomes for instruction, events, spaces, and more.
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    Numbers Don’t Lie: Increasing Engagement on TLA District 8’s Facebook Page
    (UHCL Libraries, 2023) Goode, Cindy
    Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok provide easily accessible, free marketing tools for many small organizations like libraries. TLA district officers use these platforms to communicate and market district events to members. However, the limited number of events means that social media communication and marketing often occur infrequently. And if social media platforms are only being used to promote the occasional district event, then members may not have good enough reasons to regularly follow these district communication platforms. This infrequent usage presents a lost opportunity for districts to build richly engaging social spaces where members may learn, inspire, and support one another regarding library initiatives, programming, and pressures. In 2021, District 8 members elected a new web administrator who chose to focus on increasing community engagement on the district’s Facebook page. The goal was to provide a more interactive experience for anyone choosing to view or follow the page by increasing the number of posts. The administrator achieved this by following and regularly sharing posts from the Facebook pages of every library within the District 8 region. Represented communities range from large urban cities to small rural towns, and the libraries include public, school, university/college, and specialized institutions. Since implementing this change, engagement, and followers have increased. The purpose of this presentation is to share this easy-to-implement strategy along with supporting Facebook data demonstrating the strategy’s effectiveness.