Liaw, Morris2020-09-182020-09-182012• Liaw, M, Durbhakula, V & Molakalapalli, M, "Developing a Three Tier Web Application Using ASP.NET and Open Source Object-Oriented Database DB4Objects", ACET Journal of Computer Education and Research, Volume 7, Number 1, 2012. paper details the use of object-oriented database db4objects (db4o), ASP.NET 3.5, MVC architecture, and the Visual Studio IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to develop a three-tier web application. The major contribution of this paper is to show how a three-tier web application can be easily developed and deployed by taking advantage of an object-oriented database instead of using ADO.NET or Datasets that access traditional relational databases. A sample web application called teh "Fee Management Tool" is developed to illustrate how a db4o database can be used as a back-end database and how the Visual Studio 2008 IDE can be used to run the db4o plug-in. The benefits and some concerns about db4o are also discussed at the end of the paper.Object-Oriented Database, db4objects, ASP.NET, Visual Studio, Web ApplicationDeveloping a Three Tier Web Application Using ASP.NET and Open Source Object-Oriented Database DB4ObjectsArticle