Wasko, Brian2021-03-082021-03-082014Wasko, BM and Kaeberlein M. Yeast replicative aging: A paradigm for defining conserved longevity interventions. FEMS Yeast Res. 2014 Feb;14(1):148-59. PMID: 24119093.https://hdl.handle.net/10657.1/2557The finite replicative life span of budding yeast mother cells was demonstrated as early as 1959, but the idea that budding yeast could be used to model aging of multicellular eukaryotes did not enter the scientific mainstream until relatively recently. Despite continued skepticism by some, there are now abundant data that several institutions capable of extending yeast replicative life span have similar effect in multicellular eukaryotes including nematode worms, fruit flies, and rodents. In particular, dietary restriction, mTOR signaling, and sirtuins are among the most studied longevity interventions in the field. Here, we describe key conserved longevity pathways in yeast and discuss relationships that may help explain how such broad conservation of aging process could have evolved.Caenorhabditis elegans; caloric restriction; calorie restriction; replicative life span; target of rapamycin; yeast.Yeast Replicative Aging; A Paradigm for Defining Conserved Longevity InterventionsArticle