Espinosa, JulianaHood, Martha2023-05-032023-05-032023(2023, April 20). Adopting and Applying a New Assessment Framework for Instruction: A Case Study on Learning Criteria. Texas Library Association (TLA) 2023 Annual Conference, Austin, TX.LIBP-JEMH1 collection is only one part of the assessment cycle. Oftentimes, libraries collect data but then struggle with the analysis stage. Our academic library has taught a first-year experience instructional program for over five years where little data analysis was conducted to improve outcomes. As part of a pilot project to identify a new assessment framework, in Spring 2022, a team of librarians adopted ACRL Project Outcome, a free resource toolkit available to both public and academic libraries to guide their assessment. This poster will highlight how utilizing ACRL Project Outcome created an opportunity for cross-departmental collaboration to improve survey structure and standardization where results would lead the library to make more deliberate and confident data-informed decisions for student success. It will also report the initial results of a case study, what has been achieved, and what remains to be accomplished in the future. This poster is intended for academic and public librarians who are interested in learning about a new assessment tool in order to measure the impact of their outcomes for instruction, events, spaces, and more.en-USTexas Library AssociationAssessmentLibrary instructionLibrary surveysLearning criteriaAdopting and Applying a New Assessment Framework for Instruction: A Case Study on Learning CriteriaOther