Browning Hawkins, Sandra2018-06-252018-06-252018-052018-05-09May 2018 purpose of this study was to analyze how a team of four middle school social studies teachers collaborated during lesson design to formative assessments. The results of this study also explained when, why, and how these teachers implemented formative assessment during instruction. The ability of teachers to utilize formative assessments effectively was contingent upon teachers’ knowledge of the formative assessment process, teachers’ belief in the effectiveness of the process, and teachers’ perceptions of their ability to implement the process of formative assessment. The researcher analyzed how teacher collaboration during lesson design influenced teachers’ efficacy and ability to create formative assessments and explained when, why, and how these teachers implemented formative assessment during instruction. The researcher interviewed a team of teachers concerning the factors they took into consideration when planning implementation of formative assessments and examined post-implementation teacher reflections on their efficacy of these strategies. This qualitative study utilized individual audiotaped interviews of four eighth-grade social studies teachers, as well as the same four teachers participating in a focus group interview. The findings of this study contributed to current literature on teacher efficacy and pedagogical strategies using formative assessments. This study explored the formative assessment process, teacher efficacy, and collaborative planning.application/pdfenEducational evaluationTeachingThe development of teacher efficacy and knowledge of formative assessment during collaborative lesson designDissertation2018-06-25