Positive behavior interventions and supports: a study of implementation at the elementary level in a low-income district



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The purpose of this study is to determine the influence a PBIS based program, Kickboard, has on achievement in reading and math and the number of office referrals in third and fourth grade at a low income elementary school. This study used a mixed methods design that consisted of the use of archival assessment and behavioral data, as well as interviews of professional staff. The assessment data consisted of scores for third and fourth grade students on district common assessments for reading and math from the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 school years. The behavior data consisted of office referrals, secondary assignment placement (SAC), and suspension data from 2015-2016, 2016-2017, and 2017-2018 school years. A total of eight teachers and two principals were interviewed about their perceptions and experiences with discipline management at their respective campuses. Data showed that Kickboard did not have a significant impact on achievement, however a significant impact was made on discipline. Data from interview participants revealed that both campuses found strength and value in the discipline management systems and practices on their campuses. Themes that emerged were as follows: student achievement, school behavior, programming practices, administrative support and positive reinforcement.


